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About Us

We find choice used BMW limited slip parts in Southern California. The mild climate and the popularity of performance cars make this a great location for finding high quality, used performance parts from a variety of sources. Our focus is primarily on differentials since they are in high demand and are relatively easy to find here in the Southland. We do offer other used BMW parts as well, such as manual transmissions and various accessories such as sport seats, rearview mirrors with map lights, wheels, etc. We will try to list these as we find them. We also encourage you to let us know your requests and we will try to locate them. We have been finding and selling premium BMW used parts for the last 3 years and are always learning more about the fine points of sporting BMWs. The online shop is something new for us and we look forward to expanding and changing the mix of items being offered. We hope you will come to our shop often and discover items that you have been looking for. Thanks for reading about us!